21 Days to Change

21 Days to Change


How to develop healthy habits and improve your quality of life

Whether you want to lose weight, reverse disease, break bad habits or, ultimately, feel better, change is possible. However, when it comes time to actually make that change, we often find we are faced with serious difficulties that get in the way of forming new habits.

The solution to achieving a healthier lifestyle isn't found in restricting, prohibiting, or depriving yourself, but in making the decision to develop new habits and tastes. It's about managing how to no longer crave what's harmful.

21 Days to Change is a tool that will lead you through this process of change, providing useful information about why to change, as well as how to do so. In addition, it offers a detailed guide to changing your lifestyle in a sustainable way in just three weeks, and it gives the readers a variety of ways to achieve this change, thus increasing the chances of success in forming new habits.

All you need is 21 days.

Book Title 21 Days to Change
Author George Pamploma-Roger, Marcello Niek M Leal
Type Book
Format Hardcover
Publisher Editorial Safeliz
Release date 2019

How to develop healthy habits and improve your quality of life

Whether you want to lose weight, reverse disease, break bad habits or, ultimately, feel better, change is possible. However, when it comes time to actually make that change, we often find we are faced with serious difficulties that get in the way of forming new habits.

The solution to achieving a healthier lifestyle isn't found in restricting, prohibiting, or depriving yourself, but in making the decision to develop new habits and tastes. It's about managing how to no longer crave what's harmful.

21 Days to Change is a tool that will lead you through this process of change, providing useful information about why to change, as well as how to do so. In addition, it offers a detailed guide to changing your lifestyle in a sustainable way in just three weeks, and it gives the readers a variety of ways to achieve this change, thus increasing the chances of success in forming new habits.

All you need is 21 days.