Happy Couples

Happy Couples


Bad habits: we all have them! But what happens when these bad habits extend to our relationships?

Whether it's interrupting your partner mid-sentence, acting bored when they are speaking, or teasing them in hurtful ways over time, these bad habits can lead to resentment, and can mean the difference between a wonderful, close relationship, and one characterised by conflict or unhappiness.

Book Title Happy Couples
Author Julian & Annette Melgosa
Type Book
Format Paperback
Publisher Safeliz
Release date 2012

Bad habits: we all have them! But what happens when these bad habits extend to our relationships?

Whether it's interrupting your partner mid-sentence, acting bored when they are speaking, or teasing them in hurtful ways over time, these bad habits can lead to resentment, and can mean the difference between a wonderful, close relationship, and one characterised by conflict or unhappiness.