Moose Stories 8

Moose Stories 8

Author: Shaun Hepworth

Rules are important for playing games as well as for living one's life. There are ten proven rules that, when adopted and followed, will help you be happy and content.

The Moose Stories series takes a fresh look at some of the best stories ever told. Written in playful rhyme and delightfully illustrated, children of all ages will easily remember them. The real value is they will be more likely to learn the valuable life lessons contained within these stories.

Also sold as a 12-volume set.

Book Title Moose Stories 8
Author Shaun Hepworth
Type Book
Format Paperback
Publisher Signs Publishing

Rules are important for playing games as well as for living one's life. There are ten proven rules that, when adopted and followed, will help you be happy and content.

The Moose Stories series takes a fresh look at some of the best stories ever told. Written in playful rhyme and delightfully illustrated, children of all ages will easily remember them. The real value is they will be more likely to learn the valuable life lessons contained within these stories.

Also sold as a 12-volume set.